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I Believe

I believe...

I believe that the only thing stopping us from accomplishing our us

I believe that the worst thing we need to fear is someone saying "no."

I believe that everyone, young and old, deserves to be treated with respect...

I believe that Jesus taught us to respect and love everyone, and He commands us to do this

I believe that we need to require respect from others and let them know when they cross the line...

I believe that God has brought us into relationships to sanctify our relationship with Him...

I believe that we need to advocate for those without a voice and to teach our children to be strong for themselves and others

I believe that age does not ensure maturity...

I believe that we are accountable for all of our actions and the sooner we acknowledge this, the sooner we can call ourselves adults...

I believe that we all have the capacity and power to accomplish so much good in this world...we just need to take that first step and do it...

I believe that God has a great sense of humor....

I believe that God loves you and me....

I believe that our dear Lord answers all of our prayers, we only need to take the time to lift them up and listen....

I believe that our Father has empowered you with so many gifts 

and that you just need to grasp them, use them and ask the Holy Spirit to abide in Him as you grow

I believe that Jesus only wants us to love God, accept his free gift to us, repent our sins and love each other....

I believe that we can all walk with Jesus, learn and grow and become the chidren God has blessed...

I believe we should cherish all the gifts God has given us....

I believe forgiveness frees our souls...

I believe that we can abide in all things through Christ...

I believe that God is just waiting to bless you... you need only to accept His gift of salvation and Know He Loves you so much...

I believe that we all suffer from sin and brokeness....Our God can and will heal us if we choose to allow Him.  He will never force us to do anything, but we can do all things through His son, Jesus.  Just accept and ask.

That is what I believe

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